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GE 목록




PV211/411 휴대용 압력/진공 펌프

The PV 211 Pneumatic Hand Pump is lightweight, easy to use and generates pneumatic pressures in excess of 25 bar. It is an ideal tool for calibration checks on pressure transmitters, pressure switches, indicators, recorders and controllers. The PV 211 can be used as a portable Pressure Comparator in conjunction with various pressure indicating devices. This precision unit includes an adjustable over pressure protection system as standard.



• Hydraulic pressures to 10,000 psi
• Pneumatic pressures to 600 psi
• Vacuum to 28.5 inHg

• Low pressure fine control


The PV411A is a high quality field proven pressure and vacuum hand pump providing functionality, which has never been seen before in a hand held pressure source. This remarkable product replaces four conventional hand pumps and offers the following additional features:


(주)케이아이테크  |  사업자번호 : 109-86-30649  |  대표자 : 이경익
주소 : 서울 강서구 수명로 82, 발산로얄타워 501호
Tel : 02-3663-8051  |  Fax : 0505-508-8051  |  E-mail : anal119@hanmail.net
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