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Metal Film Leak Sensor. GLD3100 Series





GLD3100 Series


This technology is designed to detect the leakage of water, chemical substances, etc. in hazardous chemical pipe connecting parts, storage containers, equipment, facilities, computer servers, etc. used in areas where there is a risk of leakage such as water, chemical As a product, it can be used in almost all industries. It can be applied to all industries that can be used in the fields of chemical, petrochemical, semiconductor and display equipment industries, shipbuilding, iron and steel industry, electric power generation, nuclear power and thermal power cooling water.

(주)케이아이테크  |  사업자번호 : 109-86-30649  |  대표자 : 이경익
주소 : 서울 강서구 수명로 82, 발산로얄타워 501호
Tel : 02-3663-8051  |  Fax : 0505-508-8051  |  E-mail : anal119@hanmail.net
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